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发布时间:2020-10-12  |  来源:

明红霞,女,研究员。2018年入选辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才计划,2019年入选辽宁省“百千万人才工程”千层次人选,2021年入选生态环境部第二批生态环境监测“三五”人才 技术骨干。兼任北太平洋海洋科学组织(PICES)工作组委员,中国海洋工程咨询协议环境生态专委会委员。


主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然基金、“兴辽英才”计划项目等国家及省部级项目8项,主持咨询项目4项。获学术奖励7项,其中,省部级科技进步奖一等奖2项。发表学术论文80余篇,其中SCI 论文16篇,EI论文4篇;主编出版专著2部;制订行业、地方标准3项;申请专利9项(国际专利1项);获软件著作权11项;撰写专报4份。



1) Hongxia Ming, Yantao Wang,Jie Su ,Yunhan Fu, Jianrong Xu, Tingting Shi,Kaijia Ren ,Yuan Jin and Jingfeng Fan*. The Effects of a Typhoon on the Dynamic of Microbial Community Structure and Water Quality of the Marine Bathing Beach. Water 2022, 14, 1631. (SCI收录)

2) Ming Hongxia, Fan Jingfeng*, Jiwen Liu, Su jie, Wan Zhiyi, Wang Yantao, Li Dongwei, Li Mengfei, Shi Tingting, Jin Yuan, Huang Huiling, Song Jixue. Full-length 16S rRNA gene sequencing reveals spatiotemporal dynamics of bacterial community in a heavily polluted estuary, China. Environmental Pollution, 2021,275:116567. (SCI收录)

3) Hongxia Ming, Yujuan Ma, Yanbin Gu, Jie Su, Jianli Guo, Jiangyu Li, Xue Li, Yuan Jin, Jingfeng Fan. Enterococci may not present the pollution of most enteric pathogenic bacteria in recreational seawaters of Xinghai bathing Beach, China. Ecological Indicators. 2020, 110: 105938.(SCI收录)

4) Hongxia Ming, Huizhen Zhang, Quanrui Chen, Yantao Wang, Jie Su, Xiaohui Zhao, Jingfeng Fan. Abundance and community structure of ammonium monooxygenase (amoA) genes in the wet season of Liaohe estuary sediments. Continental Shelf Research, 2020, 209(23) : 104253.(SCI收录)

5) Hongxia Ming, Jingfeng Fan*, Quanrui Chen, Jie Su, Jixue Song, Jin Yuan, Tingting Shi, Bochao Li. Diversity and abundance of denitrifying bacteria in the sediment of a eutrophic estuary. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2020,38(6):1-11.(SCI收录)

6) Hongxia Ming, Lin Zhu, Jianfeng Feng, Guang Yang, Jingfeng Fan. Risk assessment of rotavirus infection in surface seawater from Bohai Bay, China. Human and ecological risk assessment. 2014, 20(4):929-940.(SCI收录)

7) Hongxia Ming, Jingfeng Fan, Lijun Wu, Yubo Liang. Prevalence of human enteric viruses and a potential indicator of contamination in shellfish in China. Journal of food safety, 2013, 33(2), 209-214.(SCI收录)

8) HongXia Ming, Lin Zhu, Yuan Zhang, Rapid quantification of infectious enterovirus from surface water in Bohai Bay, China using an integrated cell culture-qPCR assay, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2011, 62(10): 2047-2054.(SCI收录)

2. 著作

1) 樊景凤,明红霞,王斌,梁玉波,著.《中国近海病原生物》,海洋出版社,2019年。

2) 樊景凤,苏洁,明红霞,译.《海洋与健康 海洋环境中的病原体》,海洋出版社,2015年。

3. 专利

1) 明红霞,樊景凤,李东蔚,苏洁,王艳涛,石婷婷,金媛,宋吉雪,黄慧玲。一种海水和海洋沉积物中肠球菌鉴定的方法。发明专利,德国,102020118433。

2) 明红霞,一种病原样本采集器用野外辅助固定装置。实用新型专利,专利号:ZL 201921902228.4。

3) 明红霞,李东蔚,樊景凤,苏洁,黄慧玲,石婷婷,金媛. 一种近海沉积物采样设备。实用新型专利,专利号:ZL20202279500.6。

4. 报告

1) 《2022年全国重点海水浴场水质状况改善明显》,报中办国办,第1完成人。

2) 《关于2021年度全国重点海水浴场监测情况的报告》,部领导圈阅,第1完成人。
